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What We Do

Through hands-on aerospace and public policy training students learn how to design, build, test, and eventually launch their spacecraft into low Earth orbit (LEO). Students enter competitions in aerospace, engineering, entrepreneurship, space settlement design, and more! They also present technical papers at professional conferences around the world, and advocate for US Aerospace policy at both Tallahassee and D.C. 


Building on the history of the Wolverine CubeSat Development Team, AMARIS Lunar rover team, and the Weiss CubeSat Development Teams, the Wolfpack from Florida aims to design, build, test and fly a 3rd CubeSat through the NASA CSLI program, along with partners in Nebraska and North Carolina. 

The US is not the world leader in STEM education and Aerospace represents very inspiring content with which to increase the number of students entering the STEM pipeline. Building satellites with young students decreases the number of students leaking out of the pipeline and better prepares them for the real-world workforce that awaits them after they complete their formal education. 

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